Short code (SC) is a 5 digit number which uses both push and pull technology to send and receive the messages. Short code is short in length and easy to remember. The short code is unique to each operator.
Short codes are used for buying some content, voting on TV programmes, interacting with a help menu, listening to mobile radio, and a host of other services. Telecom operators, VAS service providers and TV channels use Short Codes for generating revenue.
SMSC Center is highly useful as a communication interactive tool for m- commerce.
Today’s customer plays a vital role in enhancing the business of any industry vertical. The customer is well educated and alert. The customer uses latest technology for fetching the vital information from enterprises instantly.
The workforce from junior to CXO level needs Push Zone for pulling the information on demand.
The mantra to lead in the business is to interact and serve customer at a faster rate.
The stakeholders, vendors, dealers distributors keep themselves informed by pulling the information from enterprises at right time to lead in the market.